Opening Sesion
First Panell - The National and European Impact of the New European Legislation on Medicines and Medical Devices
Moderator: Sérgio Vilão - Editor da Revista Portuguesa de Farmacoterapia
Conference: Rui Santos Ivo - Presidente do INFARMED I.P.
Commentators: Filipa Costa- Apifarma; Antonieta Lucas - Apormed; Ana Valente - Apogen
Second Panel - The Reindustrialization of Europe and the Impact on Health Systems
Moderator: José Aranda da Silva - Diretor da Revista Portuguesa de Farmacoterapia
Conference: Fernanda Ferreira Dias - Diretora-geral da DGAE
Commentators: Sandra Vilela - Grupo Azevedos; João Norte - Bial; António Donato - Tecnimede; Ana Gomes - Medinfar
Opening Sesion | First Panel
Second Panel